Back to school time is right around the corner!  Whether you are a college student, studying for your Nursing Exam or have a child that struggles with test anxiety Dan Vitchoff can help!  Dan Vitchoff is a Board Certified and Licensed Hypnotherapist and Mental Training and Performance Coach who specializes in helping his clients improve their health and quality of life with hypnosis.  With so much of an emphasis on test results and accountability in schools, test taking anxiety is on the rise in the United States.  According to the American Association of Anxiety Disorders, approximately 62% of students that drop out of college state that it is due to some type of anxiety disorder.  Wikipedia defines test anxiety as follows:

  1. Test anxiety is a combination of physiological over-arousal, tension and somatic symptoms, along with worry, dread, fear of failure, and catastrophizing, that occur before or during test situations.

Dan Vitchoff explains, “In my experience in working with adults and children who suffer from test anxiety, they are very intelligent and know the information that they are being tested on, however their fear of failure gets in the way of accessing the information during the test taking environment.”  Through his patented and trademarked “33 Method” Hypnosis Programs, Dan Vitchoff can help people suffering from test anxiety “re-program” their subconscious minds to calm the “anxiety” response and replace it with a “relaxation” response so that they can feel confident comfortable and relaxed before, during and throughout the entire test.  This will give them a greater ability to focus on the task at hand and recall the information more easily so that they can ace the test! Chelsea Burchik had been struggling to take her Nursing exam, she had tried and failed and gotten very frustrated.  Her mom was a previous client of Vitchoff’s and had recommended Chelsea try Hypnosis.  Chelsea was amazed at  how easy it was for her to overcome test anxiety with Dan Vitchoff’s 33 Method Hypnosis Program.

YouTube video

Chelsea was so excited at how well she did on her test that she stopped in to Vitchoff’s office at PA Hypnosis Center in Pittsburgh just to tell him about her success and agreed to do this video review of Dan Vitchoff and PA Hypnosis Center to share her story.  Chelsea hopes that her story will inspire other students that are struggling with test anxiety to do what she did and take action!  She says you will be happy you did, she is!  Call PA Hypnosis Center at 724-934-8446 to schedule your free consultation and evaluation today or visit for more information about how you can change your life with hypnosis!



Categories: Hypnosis