Give the Gift of Health this Holiday Season! Lose Weight or Quit Smoking with Hypnosis!

Daniel S. Vitchoff, MS Ed., CHt. President of PA Hypnosis Center and his associate Certified and Licensed Hypnotherapist Catie Dolgos have been helping people make positive changes in their lives for years. Clinical Hypnosis can help you to identify patterns and behaviors that are holding you back from achieving your goals. Throughout your life these patterns and behaviors have become programmed into your subconscious mind. Clinical Hypnosis enables you to access to your subconscious mind to remove these old patterns and behaviors and replace them with newer, healthier ones.

Dan Vitchoff, MS Ed., CHt. is a Board Certified and Licensed Hypnotherapist, a highly sought Mental Training and Performance Coach, and the founder of the PA Hypnosis Center. Catherine Dolgos (Catie) is a Certified Consulting Hypnotherapist and Fitness and Nutrition Specialist with an extensive background in health and wellness. Together they have helped thousands of clients change their lives with hypnosis. Pittsburgh’s Leading Hypnosis Experts, Dan Vitchoff and Catie Dolgos can individualize a hypnosis program to help you improve in the following areas: Weight Loss, Smoking Cessation, Reduce Stress, Tension and Anxiety, Overcome Fears, Phobias, Insomnia, Enhance Sports Performance, Build Self Confidence, Overcome Destructive Behaviors and Habits and Professional Development.

Reduce Sugar Cravings with Hypnosis

Bob S. came to see us after suffering a heart attack and completing a Cardiac Rehab program. He had already began making some positive lifestyle changes through Cardac Rehab but was still struggling with intense cravings for sugars and carbohydrates. After completing one of our Hypnosis Weight LossPrograms, we are very proud to say that Bob has lost 20 pounds. Bob says, “I don’t crave in between meals and healthy snacks, I am eating healthier foods, I exercise 4 times a week at a gym and I have a more positive attitude and a brighter outlook on life.” Probably the best thing about Bob’s experience is that he has lowered his cholesterol and his blood sugar is now under control and what he says is the best it has been in 15 years.

Weight Loss Hypnosis

despite all of the diets out there, all of the weight loss products on the market and all of the weight loss surgeries that are now becoming more and more popular, obesity rates in the US still continue to rise. So, you may be asking yourself “why” with all of the health education and initiatives available, why do obesity rates continue to rise?

Weight Loss Hypnosis: Why is it so effective?

Clinical hypnosis has been thoroughly researched and proven to be safe and effective. we can help you change your thought process to desire healthy foods. That is exactly what Dona Weber from the Greater Pittsburgh Area has experienced with her hypnosis weight loss program. She says she has never felt so good, mind, body and spirit, “Dan and Catie helped me to retrain my mind as to how I think about food, exercise, and most of all myself.”